Tutor-supported course A1 (Autumn 2024)

The tutor-supported course e-slovak A1 is a pre-beginner course in Slovak as a foreign language. It is aimed to all individuals interested in learning the Slovak language and culture.  The course starts on September 23, 2024 (enrollment opens on September 16, 2024).  The course is free of charge.

Tutor-supported course A2 (Autumn 2024)

The tutor-supported course e-slovak A2 is aimed at pre-intermediate students. It presents an attractive way how to master common communication situations in the Slovak language, e.g. at family, on the road, at the doctor’s... The course starts on September 23, 2024 (enrollment opens on September 16, 2024).  The course is free of charge.

"Katherine na Slovensku" VIDEO SERIES (A1/A2)

12-dielny videoseriál o Američanke Katherine Gajdoš, ktorá prichádza na Slovensko, aby spoznala krajinu, zlepšila sa v slovenčine a zoznámila sa so svojimi príbuznými. Seriál je projektom Studia Academica Slovaca - centra pre slovenčinu ako cudzí jazyk (Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave).

A 12-episode video series about Katherine Gajdoš, a young American woman who comes to Slovakia to get to know the country, improve her Slovak and meet her relatives. The series is a project of the Studia Academica Slovaca Centre for Slovak as a Foreign Language (Faculty of Arts at the Comenius University in Bratislava).

Self-study course A1

E-slovak A1 consists of 10 topic-based units introducing day-to-day situations in the lives of the four main characters: Johanna, Zuzana, Róbert and Carlo. This course started in 2017 and has been made available since then. You can start to study with us anytime you want. It is for free.  You just need to register. 

Self-study course A2

E-slovak A2 consists of 10 topic-based units introducing day-to-day situations in the lives of the four main characters: Johanna, Zuzana, Róbert and Carlo. The course is free of charge. You can start to study with us anytime you want. You just need to register.